On average, rabbits reach slaughter weights of about 3 kg liveweight or 1. Rabbits are raised for meat, angora wool, breeding stock, and sometimes, for laboratory use. There is some profit for those willing to make the necessary sacrifices. Raising meat rabbit factsrabbits are very fast and heavy breeders. Youth programs raise and use rabbits in projects and curricula. Raising rabbits in the pacific northwest basic rabbitry management for home or commercial meat, production, excellent resource. Rabbit meat is widely popular meat throughout many different cultures of the.
Meat rabbits have been bred over years with meat production in mind. Breeding meat rabbits 101 the imperfectly happy home. The skins are disposed and there has been a challenge to dispose them 12. Raising rabbits for meat is a lucrative business, providing income for millions of people, but there are some essential things you need to do before you venture into the rabbit farming business. Meat rabbits what you need to know about raising rabbits. The guide to raising and breeding rabbits for meat. Methods for raising meat rabbits the green acre homestead. If you have a doe that is out for blood every time you try to breed her, you may need to consider table breeding. It is all white in colour and usually weighs 35 kg when mature. Smallscale sustainable rabbit production attra ncat. In the summer, it is wise to place frozen water bottles in the hutches with the rabbits to help keep them cool. According to rabbit production cheeke, patton, lukefahr and mcnitt, 1987, pg 190, a weanling rabbit gains a.
In the world of meat production, little attention is given to rabbits. New zealand rabbits are a quintessential meattype rabbit. Most people think of them as pets and dont want to put them on the dinner table. A primer on backyard meat rabbit raising practices. This is why this manual, first published in 1984, is now being reissued. Pdf rabbits are members of the leporidae family, indigenous throughout most parts of the world, and raised in smallholder and largescale, commercial. Th is is a feebased service and certain regulatory requirements must be met. Rabbits are extremely hot natured so it is important to place their shelter in a shaded area. At the same time, a 4h rabbit project can provide an important life skill learning experience. But, there are several traits that make rabbit meat highly sought after in their growing market. It is very easy to start breeding rabbits for meat.
This article will outline how to start a commercial rabbit farming business, and the rabbit farming business plan pdf, word and excel. Raising meat rabbits is one of the most space efficient means of growing livestock for meat. The guide to raising and breeding rabbits for meat raising rabbits is one of the simplest things you can do on your homestead. As an occupation or hobbywhether for the young, the elderly, or any family memberraising rabbits can be an enjoyable and familyfocused activity. As the doe andor the buck figures out what they are doing. While ethical is an admittedly fuzzy standard when it comes to commercial meat production, few would argue that lovingly handraised rabbits arent ethical to. When raising rabbits for meat there are many options for food. He has served as the editor of rabbits magazine, has been a contributing editor to countryside magazine, and is the founder of domestic rabbits and a past director of the american rabbit breeders association. A complete handbook on backyard and commercial rabbit production 11 overview whether you raise rabbits for meat and fur, wool, or laboratory uses, select the breeds best adapted to the purpose. Four less common but great meat rabbit breeds to start. Colony raising rabbits isnt hard, but there are a few considerations that can make setting up a rabbit colony go more smoothly. Except for the chicken, there is no other domestic animal that can produce as much edible meat as the rabbit. Rabbit project reference manual chad wootton r aising rabbits is fun.
The cultural acceptance of eating cottontail rabbit meat has set a favorable stage for the grow ing popularity of raising domestic meat rabbits as a smallscale. This means you will need a larger breed so it will be a decent size by the 8week mark. Rabbit meat is the cheapest meat that can be raised, not. Rabbits are raised for show, fur, home or commercial meat production, laboratory animals, and breeding stock. However, to build a successful, sustainable commercial rabbit farming business, you require sufficient knowledge of how to efficiently raise the rabbits, good management skills, and a good rabbit farming business plan. Producers of nonamenable species such as rabbits or bison may request voluntary inspection for their animals. Does can be bred for 4 to 5 litters per year, once they are kept in good condition. The perfect butchering age is around 8 weeks of age. Rabbits alternative farming systems information center. I feed an 18% protein, 18% fiber minimum and a low fat feed, actually 1. It is important to know that when raising rabbits for meat that the older the rabbit gets, the tougher the meat becomes. The new zealand could easily be called the most popular of all meat rabbit breeds.
A beginners guide to raising rabbits mother earth news. Providing basic care feed commercially produced rabbit feed is formulated to meet rabbits dietary requirements. Raising rabbits for profit all you need to know about. Virginia department of agriculture and consumer services. Mixing your own feed is not recommended because it is difficult to get the right balance of essential nutrients. Merck veterinary manual rabbits are listed under exotic and laboratory animals, has information on husbandry and disease. Feeding rates depend on rabbit weight and maturity. Their bodies are described as being commercial in type, that is, muscular or wellmuscled full of meat.
Whether you live on a full blown many acre homestead, or on a town lot in the burbs, rabbits are a viable option in your selfsufficiency and survival planning. In nsw it is estimated that annual sales of meat rabbits is about 108 000 to 120 000 which would account for 4000 to 5000 breeding does. C547 raising rabbits kstate research and extension kansas. Unlike most other animals, rabbits do not have a regular heat cycle oestrus. Pdf backyard rabbit farming can be a great idea for having healthy meat and an additional source of income for the family without much involvement.
Raising rabbits for meat and fur is a good way to make money but only if you do it on a large scale, and it should be done as supplementary income only. When i brought home our american chinchilla breeding trio, i had researched raising meat rabbits extensively. Livestock production is a major component of farm economies in developing countries. If youre not willing to embrace a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, the next best change you can make is resolving to eat only ethically raised meat.
The farming of domesticated meat rabbits is not a traditional agricultural activity in texas, compared to beef cattle, goat, poultry, and swine production. How to start a profitable rabbit farming business pdf. A complete handbook on backy ard and commercial rabbit. Whether you raise rabbits for meat and fur, wool, or laboratory uses, select the. Backyard production of meat rabbits in texas oaktrust.
Two does and a buck is known as a trio, and is a good starting point. Raising rabbits also teaches responsibility, budgeting costs and returns, care and concern for animals, and the acceptance of livestock as a source of food for human beings. Bob bennett is the author of six books on rabbit raising, including storeys guide to raising rabbits and rabbit housing, as well as numerous magazine and newspaper articles. Conceptions will be highest during the cool months of the year and lowest during the hot and humid months. Average breeding parameters of four breeds raised at the irapuato. Not only do they require little attention, but they also provide a. Rabbit farming business is a very profitable business, and many people are making money all over the world by raising rabbits for meat. Commercial rabbit production poultry science mississippi state. During world war ii civilians were encouraged to include rabbits as a component of their victory gardens. To create an awareness of the possibility of raising backyard rabbits for.
One doe, in one hutch can produce 70 to 95 pounds 32. The initial costs in settingup is small, rabbits breed quickly and frequently, they have large litters and grow to a good marketable size in a very short time. According to the 2017 census of agriculture nass, more than. Rabbits in kenya are mainly for meat production 10 and their skin by products from the slaughterhouse 11. But only give lettuces and cabbages to adult rabbits alone. Today they are raised for meat, research, pets, show, and pelts. How production affects income for years five litters per doe per year was the goal of most rabbit breeders. The essentials of raising rabbits for profit step by. A simple cage like this works well to start out with. They can be confined to hutches, and can be raised in urban as well as rural areas. Table 11 lists common rabbit breeds and their predominant color, weight, and uses. There are many species in the rabbit family but all domesticated rabbits are believed to have descended from a single species known as the european rabbit. Raising rabbits for meat osu extension catalog oregon state.
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